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This is the personal web site of Maksim Litvinets . I am distributor in a company called 'Forever Living Products' and hold the 'Supervisor' titale.I would be glad if you can find something useful or helpful on this website, and welcome you to contact me if you have more questions or would like to share your stories.

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Maksim Litvinets

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Aloe Vera Gel ( The Best Aloe - You Decide)

Aloe Vera Gel   -  $16.05  (Item #015)
( Referring Distributor ID#: 001002409865 )
To get a discount (15%-48%) you have the opportunity to register as a wholesale costomer and distributor of Aloe Vera Products.
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Imagine slicing open an Aloe leaf and consuming the gel directly from the plant. Our Aloe Vera Gel is as close to the real thing as you can get. The miraculous aloe leaf has been found to contain more than 200 compounds.A product of our patented aloe stabilization process, our gel is favored by those looking to maintain a healthy digestive system and a natural energy level.The first to receive certification by the International Aloe Science Council, this rich cocktail of pulp and liquid authenticates this product just as nature intended. Taken daily, either alone or mixed with pure fruit juice, it is one of the best health drinks available!

~English  -  Русский~

Every company will claim that their product is the best! So, who do you beleive? It is easy, don't beleive anyone, you do the homework, you COMPARE and YOU DECIDE. This page will help you learn what to look for and what is important in order to select the best product for your needs.
Aloe Vera is probably the most adulterated product on the world market because most of the Aloe Vera drinks sold to consumers contain only a fraction of the claimed content of Aloe Vera gel. One fairly widely advertised award-winning brand claims to:
- have no taste
- contain no preservatives
- keeps for years without spoiling
- tastes like water
- looks like water...
... but probably it is water with little aloe!
Is that kind of aloe vera you are looking for?
TOP 10 Reasons To Drink ALOE VERA GEL
10. Dental Health and Hygiene
Aloe Vera is extremely healthful for your mouth and gums. A 2008 study in the Journal of applied oral science found that aloe, used as a dentifrice, works better than two leading brands of toothpaste. A daily dose of aloe Vera Gel may support your healthy oral hygiene – especially when combined with daily use of Forever Bright toothgel. Take that to your next dentist appointment!
9. Provides Rapid Soothing
Aloe Vera enhances fibroblast function. Fibroblasts are those remarkable little cells responsible for collagen formation. They also assist in the soothing of minor burns, cuts, scrapes and skin irritations. In fact, Aloe Vera is legendary for its rapid soothing abilities when it comes to minor skin irritations.
 8. Aids in Healthy Digestion
A healthy digestive tract ensures that nutrients from the foods we eat are absorbed into the blood stream. Aloe Vera has natural, cleansing abilities. Drinking Aloe Vera Gel regularly may improve bowel regularity and increase protein absorption, while at the same time decrease unfriendly bacteria and yeast - all done naturally! Aloe Vera has also demonstrated its ability to assist in soothing heartburn and other minor digestive complaints.
 7. Immune Support and Function 
Aloe Vera provides natural support for the immune system. Since the immune system works around the clock protecting the body, Aloe Vera, with its natural immune enhancers, gives the body a continual arsenal from which to draw. Drinking 2 to 4 ounces of Aloe Vera Gel regularly may give your immune system the ongoing support it needs.
6. Regulates Weight and Energy Levels
Aloe Vera Gel naturally, and with regular use, allows the body to cleanse the digestive system. We all know that our diets include many unwanted substances that can lead to lethargy and mental fatigue. taken regularly, Aloe Vera Gel ensures a greater feeling of well being, allowing energy levels to increase and helping to maintain a healthy body weight. 
5. Collagen and Elastin Repair
Aloe Vera Gel can add a rich supply of building materials to produce and maintain healthy skin. the skin replenishes itself every 21 to 28 days. using the nutritional building blocks of Aloe Vera, the skin can utilize these nutrients daily to help combat the effects of aging! a daily dose of aloe Vera Gel can be just what your skin needs to look and feel its best. 
4. Trace Minerals
Some of the many trace minerals found in Aloe Vera Gel include calcium, sodium, iron, potassium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, copper, and zinc. What a powerful line up! We all know that adding foods to our diets with naturally occurring vitamins and minerals is recommended for overall health. Drinking Aloe Vera Gel is a natural and healthful way to replenish the body’s supply of essential minerals. You will feel its energizing power!
3. Natural Vitamins
 Aloe Vera Gel includes many of the vitamins you need daily, like Vitamin a, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and e, Folic acid and niacin. The human body simply cannot store some of these vitamins; therefore we need to supplement them regularly through our diet. What better way to achieve their benefits than by drinking a daily dose of aloe Vera Gel, while at the same time building the body’s defense system naturally against oxidative stress!
 2. Anti-inflammatory Properties
Aloe Vera Gel has 12 natural substances that have been shown to inhibit inflammation without side effects. These plant compounds are the source of aloe’s effectiveness when it comes to soothing many kinds of burns, cuts, scrapes and other inflammations within the body. Aloe may also support proper joint and muscle mobility. 
 1. Power Body Builder
Amino acids are our body’s building blocks. These amino acids are used to build a strong body. Eight of the essential amino acids that cannot be made by the body are found within the Aloe plant! Drinking Aloe Vera Gel on a regular basis allows you to support your health by replenishing your body naturally with these essential amino acids. Just think - all that amazing strength in just 2 to 4 ounces a day!

The Surprising Truth About Aloe Vera
You’ve reached for aloe when you’ve spent too much time in the sun. You’ve seen it listed as a ingredient in many of your personal care products. It’s always been there. Simple. Ordinary. Trusted.
There’s a reason aloe vera gel is trusted in products you see every day. And that reason dates back thousands of years. The earliest civilizations revered this extraordinary botanical for its astonishing properties. Its legendary uses have been passed down through time, enhanced by scientific innovation and centuries of experience.

Let aloe surprise you as it:
* Cleanses and supports your digestive system
* Infuses you with energy
* Hydrates your skin
* Soothes and promotes skin renewal
* Supports your immune system
* And so much more

Forever Living Products offers you a complete line of nurturing products based on 100% pure aloe vera gel.  Harvested by hand from our own plantations and immediately stabilized for purity, our aloe enhances your body—inside and out—with products ranging from age-defying facial treatments to delicious, antioxidant rich drinks.

The Best Aloe for the Best Products
Aloe Barbadensis Miller. It’s a mouthful, but it’s a name worth knowing.
There are around 400 species of aloe plants. They are all succulents found in arid regions throughout the world. They’re each beneficial in their own ways, but there is only one species that has been recognized for millenia for its magically soothing abilities—Aloe Barbadensis Miller.

Records of this plant exist on Sumerian clay tablets from as early as 2200 BC. Aloe’s cosmetic and medical benefits were prized the by ancient civilizations of Egypt, China, Greece, Rome, India, and Arabia. Just like these ancient civilizations, Forever Living reveres aloe for its soothing, nurturing properties.
We rely on the most valuable, most exclusive aloe vera to enhance our health and beauty products. We own all the aloe plantations used to make our products, so we can guarantee the purity and potency of all our products.

Our aloe vera products were the first to be awarded The International Aloe Science Council’s Seal of Approval. Look for their seal of approval on all of our aloe products.  
We insist on the best—and that’s exactly what you get.

The Science of Nature

Nature has given us so many gifts. Our science helps us use them to their full potential. Forever Living Products employs respected scientists who are world leaders in product development. Because of their dedication, Forever Living is able to bring you innovative products you can’t find anywhere else like Forever Freedom, Forever Bright Toothgel, and our age-defying Sonya Skin Care products. When it comes to aloe, our scientific leadership ensures you get the freshest, most potent product. Our special harvesting and stabilization processes preserve aloe in its freshest form for maximum benefits. Look for the International Aloe Science Council Seal of Approval.

Growth and Harvesting
Pure, stabilixed Aloe vera gel is the primary source of our phenomenal products. The source of our business. We take great care in making sure we continuously provide you with the very best Aloe on the planet. That’s why we own our plantations.
Forever Living Products owns Aloe plantations in the Rio Grande Valley of southern Texas, as well as,our 5,000-acre plantation in the Dominican Republic—the largest in the world.
 We use goats and sheep to naturally control weeds and provide 100% natural fertilizer to grow a superb crop without compromising the health of the Aloe or the environment.
 We employ local farmers and provide excellent working conditions. The steady jobs and pay are the envy of other towns.
Our farmers harvest our Aloe by hand, treating it with great care. The leaves are processed within hours, so you get the purest, freshest Aloe Vera gel intact with all its inherent qualities.

More Than Just a Burn Balm
You probably know aloe to be a cooling botanical that soothes burns and other skin irritations. While soothing burns is one of aloe’s amazing abilities, there’s so much more to aloe. As a succulent plant that thrives in even the driest of deserts, aloe’s graceful sword-like leaves are filled with hundreds of nutritional compounds and life-sustaining moisture that benefit the body on the inside and out.
Forever Living provides dozens of products featuring stabilized aloe vera in its purest, most potent form. From nutritional drinks to soothing lotions, and beautifying treatments, you’ll notice the aloe difference right away. Every product we offer nourishes and soothes, helping improve your overall wellness and health.

Why Drink Aloe?
The essential goodness in Aloe Vera makes it an excellent health drink. Our exclusive aloe drinks are made only from the inner-leaf fillets of the Aloe barbadensis plant with nothing filtered out. Even the pulp is including, just as with other natural juice products. Only the outer rinds containing the bitter aloin-containing sap are left out and are later trilled into the soil. Our Aloe drinks were the first to be certified by the International Aloe Science Council (IASC). Enjoy the healthy goodness of Forever Living's Aloe Vera Gel and other Aloe Vera drinks today - the first to be certified, and still the best!

The Touch of Aloe
As one of the oldest recognized botanicals with benefits for the skin, Aloe Vera has long been lauded for its natural soothing, cooling, and moisturizing abilities.When applied to your skin, it can soothe minor burns, comfort and moisturize stressed skin, and even help aid in your skin’s ability to regenerate itself.

The Beauty Secret of the Ancients
The legendary Egyptian queen Cleopatra championed the use of Aloe Vera for beautification. She is reputed to have anointed her skin with Aloe gel and even to have bathed in it. It was the biggest secrets to her fabled beauty.
 Aloe Vera is a desert plant with amazing abilities to absorb and restore moisture. It contains more than 200 different plant constituents that promote glowing, youthful looking skin and hair.
  • Retains and restores moisture to skin and hair.
  • 'Bathes' skin cells and helps promote skin regeneration.
  • Helps minimize appearance of pore size.
  • Excellent ingredient for skin cleansing and toning.

Quality Certified
Forever Living is committed to bringing you the best products. By this, we mean more than just effective products. We hold ourselves to the highest standards and we actively seek out external certifications to prove that to you.
  • International Aloe Science Council
  • PETA Cruelty Free
  • Islamic Seal of Approval
  • Kosher
  • Halal

                    E X P E R I M EN T 

(Соки Алоэ Вера от Forever Living Products)

This depends on what is your reasons for drinking Aloe Vera. As with other nutritional supplements, some people take a small amount each morning (60ml) to maintain their general well being. Other people boost their intake for specific reasons, when they might drink up to 180ml or more a day. The average is 120ml per day. Some people such as the elderly need less, whereas those who are larger framed need more.
Yes, if you really don‘t like the taste, then try mixing it with pure fruit juice, cordial or honey. Pomesteen Power gives it an amazing taste!
We would recommend you take Aloe Vera on an empty stomach to get the maximum benefit, and then wait 20 minutes before having anything else. First thing in the morning is good, or right before bed.
Every body is different - different diets, lifestyles, sleep patterns, levels of exercise, etc. A few people feel benefit in 2-4 weeks, but most take a little longer. We would encourage you to take Aloe Vera for a trial period of at least 2 months.
Taken internally, Forever’s Aloe Vera drinks provide the essential building blocks for the body to cleanse, restore, protect and balance itself. For this reason, once the body has cleansed and restored itself to a state of well-being, it is important to take a daily maintenance dosage in order for the body to continue to cleanse and balance itself on an ongoing basis. Unfortunately, many people who receive benefits then stop taking it and, when their bodies return to the previous state of toxicity and imbalance, they say that Aloe Vera did not ’cure’ their condition. It is essential to realise that unless you significantly change your life-style, diet and exercise regime, etc, you must continue to supplement your systems with Aloe Vera for the needed additional vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids that will assist in maintaining your balanced state of well-being.
As with most natural foods, once you‘ve opened the bottle, it should be stored in the refrigerator with the lid tightly closed. Of course during storage, the natural pulp will settle, so you should always shake the bottle before use. (Please note that the date stamped on the bottom of the container is the bottling date. The ’use by’ date is on the lid)
In addition to stabilized Aloe Vera Gel, 120mls serving of Forever Freedom
contains: 1500mg Glucosamine, 1200mg Chondroitin, 720mg MSM and 250mg of Vitamin C

We are successful for 32 years because we simply produce the highest grade Aloe Vera!
1. We controleach and every of production process step from choosing which leaves are ripe for harvest, right to through  to the storage temperature after bottling and  world wide shipping. We are not dependent on any other supplier.
 2.  We grow our Aloe Vera without pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides or vermicides.Rather than use chemical artificial fertilizers, we use skin of our Aloe Vera leaves.
 3.FLP has massive plantations in Rio Grande Valley Texas, Dominican Republic, and other Caribbean islands. Therefore we can tell you EXACTLY how and where our aloe was grown.
 4.  Our gel is extracted from freshly harvested, mature leaves and stabilized to protect its essential nutritional content within hours.The stabilization process is patented by Forever Living Products President Rex Maughan.
5.  No artificial flavoring or coloring is added to our gel. As there are many harvests during the course of the year, color and taste may vary. It has been known for some companies to add bleaching agents to their Aloe Vera products, to keep the color consistent on shelves, all year long. We firmly believe that the color is NATURAL and HEALTHY.
6. Our Aloe Vera gel is NOT homogenized or filtered. Our drinks have a rich pulp which settles and contains much of goodness of Aloe Vera that is necessary in our daily diets. We advise you to shake the drinks well to receive the full benefit from our pulp. There are some companies who offer Aloe Vera with the pulp strained, giving it the appearance of bottled water. In recent times, whole-leaf Aloe Vera has attracted much attention and is presented by its manufacturers as providing extra benefits. They often avoid mentioning that in order to remove the strong laxative elements found in outer leaf, they must pass the whole liquid through charcoal filters, which inevitably upsets the natural balance of nutrients found in the gel. FLP does not have to risk the integrity of the product by subjecting the gel to this filtering process. Since the traditional, well-proven benefits of Aloe Vera are found in the gel, not the leaf skin, FLP discards the useless skin, using them as natural fertilizers in its aloe fields.
7. Our Aloe Vera is not boiled. Boiling or pasteurization is cheaper and faster. Excessive heat destroys the active ingredients. We use only sub-pasteurization temperature ( known as cool processing) to ensure enzyme activity is preserved Cool processing locks in the nutrients immediately after harvesting and enables the product to retain its full potency for greater time.
8. Our Aloe Vera is not reconstituted from freeze-dried gel. This is how some companies can offer ‘double-strength product and so on. Our product contain 100% stabilized Aloe Vera Gel, from plant to product to you.
9.100% stabilized Aloe Vera is First ingredient on the labels of our drinks, gelly and lotions.
10. There is a complete 30 day retail money-back guarantee on all our products, which is not offered on most store-bought Aloe Vera.

A unique technology of Stabilization Aloe Vera Gel allows preserving all natural property of it and has patent.
 In order to preserve the nutritional potency of raw Aloe Vera gel, it must be stabilized, and this process inevitably involved the addition of small quantities of other ingredients.
In response to many question received about these, here is some further information:
Ascorbic Acid (otherwise known as vitamin C)is essential for the information of intercellular collagen as well as the maintenance of tooth structures, matrix of bones and capillary walls. It is also necessary, for wound healing, facilitates the absorption of iron and is widely used to help prevent cold. Vitamin C is found in all living plant and animal cells. Sorbitol is the raw material for the production of Ascorbic Acid.
 Citric Acidproduced from sugar solutions and citrus fruits such as lemons, limes and oranges.  It is widely used in the food industry and can be used as a PH adjuster and antioxidant. It can also retard metallic reactions. It is also involved in the Krebs energy cycle which occurs in all cells of the body. It has been used to dissolve urinary bladder calculi and it acts as a mild astringent.
 Potassium Sorbate.The potassium salt of Sorbic Acid (found naturally in fresh berries of Mountain Ash) is a natural buffering and flavoring agent which helps protect the freshness of the aloe.
Sodium Benzoate.Naturally occurring flavoring derived from fruits such as blackberries and other mountain berries. It helps stabilize and prevent bacterial growth during product usage. In the gel, it is used in quantities of less than 0.1% to prevent spoilage after the bottle has been opened.
 Sorbitol. This is excellent conditioning agent who aids in the absorption of vitamins and minerals. It is naturally occurring in several fruits and has slight sweetening properties, which can help improve taste. Sorbitol is often used as a sweetener in diabetic products. There are   two forms of sorbitol used: sorbitol crystals which are in solid form and contain no water and aqueous sorbitol which in a liquid form and is derived from specially processed maize. It is acceptable to people with celiac disease (gluten sensitive).
 Tocopherol (Vitamin E).An essential vitamin for man, it is well known for its health related properties. It is a natural antioxidant, derived from wheat germ oil, rice kernel and other vegetable oils.
Xanthan Gumderived from plants such as kelp, it is natural stabilizing and emulsifying agent.

Aloe Vera contains two important substances: the first one, under the rind of the leaf, a yellow, milky slightly bitter liquid (aloin) having been used for centuries as a laxative under the form of a powder obtained from the leaf, and the second one, the aloe gel, a fibrous liquid situated in the interior of the leaf. The gel has been used for several years only, although it has special therapeutic virtues and it is the most efficient component of the plant. 
However, the Aloe Vera gel, in spite of its miraculous effects, has a major disadvantage: it is very sensitive to oxidation (it oxidizes very quickly). If it is not processed immediately, within 2 hours it loses its therapeutic properties and it is destroyed by oxygen and microorganisms. So, this gift of nature could be used only by those who had access to the fresh plants. In order to stop oxidation there are added some natural antioxides such as natural vitamins A, C and E. The gel is thus stabilized and it cannot deteriorate, preserving its therapeutic properties. Due to the therapeutic importance of Aloe gel, in the last decades it has been trying the stabilization of the gel so that it can be widely used by many people. The researches concerning the method of stabilization of the gel were successful at the end of 1940s – the beginning of the 1950s and, consequently, this has become a very popular and widely used product since that moment. Until 1968 there had been patented many methods of stabilizing. One of the greatest companies and very successful one was Aloe Vera of America which held two patents for stabilizing the Aloe gel. This company was incorporated by Forever Living Products, which patented other two methods of stabilization of the gel.
These methods constitute the basis for obtaining a 100% purified and stabilized gel. The leaves are cut manually and the extraction of the gel is done rapidly thus preventing its oxidation. The gel is extracted mechanically and in the same time the yellow milky liquid – which is found immediately under the rind (the aloin) and which has, as it is known, a laxative effect and sometimes irritating – is separated.
Immediately after being extracted, the gel is instantly stabilized in order to preserve intact all the natural nutritive components existent in the plant.
 The gel is bottled in special plastic phials with multilayer structure (3 layers) and are ermetically closed. The rind of the leaf is removed and is used for fertilizing the sole. The quality is rigorously controlled during each stage of processing. The Aloe gel and nectar, produced by Forever Living Products were the first products in the world that correspond (and have even outrun them) to the quality requirements of International Aloe Science Council, receiving the right of displaying the single of the Council of products. The products also feature the Kosher and the Islamic Society’s Seals of Approval of California. Forever Living Products also guarantees the satisfaction that its products offer.
Having been used for centuries as a powerful natural laxative, the bitterly milky liquid that Aloe Vera contains – the aloin – was the only component to be known and used. But the fact that Aloe leaves contain a large quantity of a nutritive fibrous liquid – the Aloe gel with special therapeutic virtues was not known. Thus, the scientific literature referred only to the property of Aloe as a laxative and not to that of a nutritive tonic supplement and regenerative of the body.
This confusion has appeared also due to the fact that if during the process of extracting the Aloe gel, the aloin isn’t removed, the effect it has in the composition of the gel is most of the time an undesirable one. Thus, when the Aloe Vera products – drinks and cosmetics – appeared, most of them being products not having the necessary separation between the gel and the aloin, it made the authorities to interdict the internal usage of Aloe Vera.

SHOP NOW: ~ Aloe Vera Gel   ~
( Referring Distributor ID#: 001002409865 )
To get a discount (15%-48%) you have the opportunity to register as a wholesale costomer and distributor of Aloe Vera Products.
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For more information on this product refer to the PDF downloads:Aloe Vera Gel

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